I'm looking forward to a completely new
and unexpected experience.
I'm not being guided by
people who may be trying to take advantage of my vulnerability
during and after the trip.
I'm not doing this as a challenge or to
please others.
I'm well rested.
I'm not digesting a huge meal.
I got my mushrooms from a reliable source.
I'm not pregnant.
I'm not under the influence of alcohol or
other recreational drugs.
I'm not taking antidepressants.
I don't have a mental
health disorder and there's no history of mental health
disorders in my family, or I already got the green light from a
mental health professional.
I'll avoid making any big decisions in the
next 5 days.
I won't be driving for the next 24 hours.
I have no work scheduled in the next 24 hours.
I have no activity of any kind scheduled
in the next 12 hours.
I know the dose I'm taking with 0.1 gram
I'm taking the recommended dose for a
first experience. The actual dose depends on the variety of
mushrooms. It's usually in the 0.5-1 g range for dried Psilocybe
cubensis, the most commonly available species of psilocybin
I'm in a safe, private environment. I will
be comfortably seated or will be lying down without anyone
bothering me for 4-6 hours.
There will be at least one responsible
person around me who can assist me in case of difficulties.
I told all the people around me about my
mushroom trip. They are supportive. They will help me by staying
calm and by reassuring me. They won't try to make me do things I'm
not asking for.
I'm aware that the experience may be
frightening especially if I try to fight it.
I realize I will lose control over what
happens in my mind.
I realize I will be physically vulnerable
for several hours.
I will keep in mind that all the strange
feelings and visuals I'm going to experience are temporary.
I realize it might feel at some point that
time, space, or the self no longer exists.
I'm aware that there's no way to come out
of the trip early.
I'll keep in mind that the effects will
start fading after 3 to 4 hours, even in the case of an
overwhelming dose.
My trip-sitter has read the above.
If you didn't check all the boxes above, you are at risk of having
a bad experience and possibly serious long-term complications.
Consult with a mental health professional for guidance.
If you checked all the boxes, the odds that you'll run into problems
are low. There's always a risk that things can go wrong.
Please be careful.